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Homework 3 Reflection


  1. How did you integrate the book editing and deletion into your UI? Why did you choose the design you did?
  2. I chose to create new columns in the books table and created buttons to edit and delete the books. This allows users to easily be able to tell which book they're editing and deleting.

  3. What parts (if any) did you struggle with when implementing edit/delete in the UI?
  4. I struggled with the editing of the books. Not particularly the UI but client side errors. When I was trying to edit the books, the id would be null so I wasn't able to edit and it would produce errors. It took a lot of debugging and trying multiple solutions to be able to resolve it. I ended up switching my IDs from TEXT to INTEGER so that I can automatically increment them and therefore, a lot of refactoring.

Material UI

  1. How easy was it to refactor your existing UI to use Material UI? What pitfalls did you run into trying to use it?
  2. It was fairly easy. I have prior experience with React and Material UI so it wasn't that difficult.

Editing Endpoint

  1. How difficult was it to add the editing endpoint and associated tests? Did your experience writing the POST endpoints make writing the editing endpoints smoother?
  2. It was kind of difficult because of what I did above. I changed my IDs and author IDs from TEXT to INTEGER so I had to do a lot of refactoring. This caused a lot of my tests to fail and so I had to go back and fix it. It also caused some of the code to not work so I had to go fix those errors. I do think that after writing the POST request, it was a little smoother. However, I was generally having a lot of errors while doing this assignments and wasn't too sure if it was server side or client side error so I did a lot of debugging on both ends and trying new implementations until it worked.